Welcome to Wondermat!®

Thanks for stopping by! Due to the Covid19 outbreak and disruption to our supply chain, and especially the increased cost of moving our product containers from Taiwan to the US, we are not fulfilling individual customer Retail Orders at this time, however we are still manufacturing product and can fill container-sized orders. If you are a new wholesale customer, please get in touch through out contact page and we will assist you in setting up an account that will give you access to our Product Catalog.

We're Getting Ready!

It's been a long break for us. Our absence after 26 years on the web is painful to us and thousands of our long-term customers, but the economics of oil, currency rates, and the drastic increase in the cost of moving containers around has played a huge role in our decision to temporarily stop selling directly to consumers and focus on our large business customers. We have had plenty of time to rethink how we've been doing business for the last 30 years, and are determined to return to normal operations once this global pandemic has passed and the cost of shipping containers has returned to viable levels that don't drive the cost to consumers through the roof. We hope to be coming back online soon with a new website solution that is designed to lower our prices significantly and vastly expand the range of our online product offerings. Thank you for your patience!